PDF 2018 Financial report


Financial report 2018
2018 2017
Donations from private individuals (general) 1387,84 1039
Donations from funds/compagnies (general) 1500,00 0
Donations from private individuals (specific) 0,00 1473
Donations from funds/compagnies (specific) 4000,00 1452
Other 0,00 350
Total Revenues 6887,84 4314
Organisation costs
Board 22,82 452
PR and marketing (incl. Crowfunding Cinecrowd) 98,23 129
Financial costs 106,08 107
Website/ Vimeo 619,30 725
Foundation costs 22,50 0
Expansion of network/research 228,53 152
Freelance support of organisation 2017 and 2018 2165,63 0
Presentation OBA  Amsterdam 0,00 1347
Other costs 5,95 4
Total Organisation costs 3269,04 2916
Projects costs
Cambodia Soccer team Iron Legs/Lotus Sports Club 887,34 4570
LGBT HIV+ Story Telling Projectplan 0,00 4756
Indonesia Photography Exposition Erasmushuis 0,00 9762
Vietnam The last closed door -490,00 525
Bangladesh Photography project Gender Diversity 500,00 0
Total Project costs 897,34 25445
Total Expenditures (Organisation + Projects) 4166,38
Balance on 31 December 2018 2017
Assets (Debit)
Fixed assets (land, buildings) 0,00 0
Current assets (supplies, accounts receivable) 23174,00 0
Liquid assets on 31 December (balance in Triodos bank) 3348,60 627
Total 26522,60 627
Liabilities (Credit)
Equity base (longer then a year) 28,62 -3025
Long-term liabilities (longer then a year) 0,00 0
Short-term liabilities (Creditors) 26493,98 3652
Total 26522,60 627
Board notice with Balance 2018:
 * Current assests: project income and sponsor income during 2019 and all under contract by 1/1/19
 * Short-time liabilities: project execution + expected minimal organisation costs during 2019 +
to be paid bills 2017 (will be done Janaury 2019)