Project HIV+
28 testimonials
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Indonesia and Myanmar, 2017
In this chapter you can see 64 testimonials of 8 LGBT people living with HIV from Indonesia and Myanmar.
Vincent Personal Introduction
Indonesia, 25 years, bisexual
Virza Personal Introduction
Indonesia, 26 years, bisexual
Vriska Personal Introduction
Indonesia, 25 years, bisexual
Wanda Personal Introduction
Indonesia, 35 year, transwoman
Mya Aung Personal Introduction
Myanmar, 45 year, MSM
Kay Kay Personal Introduction
Myanmar, 27 year, transgender
Ma Khine Personal Introduction
Myanmar, 32 year, transgender
Myo Min Htun Personal Introduction
Myanmar, 31 year, msm
Vincent Summary
Indonesia, 25 years, bisexual
Virza Summary
Indonesia, 26 years, bisexual
Vriska Summary
Indonesia, 25 years, bisexual
Wanda Summary
Indonesia, 35 year, transwoman
Mya Aung Summary
Myanmar, 45 year, MSM
Kay Kay Summary
Myanmar, 27 year, transgender