Financial report 2017 |
2017 |
2016 |
Revenues |
Donations from private individuals (general) |
1039 |
699 |
Donations from funds/compagnies (general) |
0 |
300 |
Donations from private individuals (specific) |
1473 |
7068 |
Donations from funds/compagnies (specific) |
1452 |
27817 |
Other |
350 |
0 |
Total Revenues |
4314 |
4314 |
35884 |
Expenditures |
Organisation costs |
Board |
452 |
280 |
PR and marketing (incl. Crowfunding Cinecrowd) |
129 |
2471 |
Financial costs |
107 |
108 |
Website |
725 |
623 |
Foundation costs |
0 |
0 |
Expansion of network/research |
152 |
341 |
Freelance support of organisation |
0 |
1092 |
Presentation OBA Amsterdam |
1347 |
0 |
Other costs |
4 |
0 |
Total Organisation costs |
2916 |
2916 |
4915 |
Projects costs |
Myanmar &PROUD photo competition |
0 |
700 |
Myanmar RAM project (incl. Rainbow Reels Workshops) |
0 |
0 |
Cambodia Soccer team Iron Legs |
4570 |
2824 |
LGBT HIV+ Story Telling Projectplan |
4756 |
8247 |
Myanmar &PROUD projectplan |
0 |
0 |
Indonesia Waria Photo project |
0 |
155 |
Indonesia Photography Exposition Erasmushuis |
9762 |
1163 |
Vietnam The last closed door |
525 |
0 |
Total Project costs |
25445 |
25445 |
22919 |
Total Expenditures |
28361 |
Balance on 31 December |
2017 |
2016 |
Assets (Debit) |
Fixed assets (land, buildings) |
0 |
0 |
Current assets (supplies, accounts receivable) |
0 |
1452 |
Liquid assets on 31 December (balance in Triodos bank) |
627 |
18843 |
Total |
627 |
20295 |
Liabilities (Credit) |
Equity base (longer then a year) |
-3025 |
1283 |
Long-term liabilities (longer then a year) |
0 |
0 |
Short-term liabilities (Creditors) |
3652 |
19012 |
Total |
627 |
20295 |
Board notice with Balance 2017: |
During 2017 we had more Expenditures then Revenues. This is possible since we received |
Revenues for projects during 2016 (see 2016 Financial report) and used it in 2017. |
The foundation has a negative Equity on 31/12/17 since there are creditors (Freelancer). |
As soon as our revenues in 2018 does allow, those bills will be paid out. |