Annual Report
This Annual Report tells you about the main achievements of Document Our History Now in 2019. This Annual Report and our 2019 Financial Report are available to on our website.
The stories
The stories and events we financed, produced and posted on our website over the course of 2019 are:
Cambodia: documentary Lotus Sports Club (in production)
In the spring we undertook a crowd funding campaign by Kickstarter, to obtain a budget with which we can start producing the documentary towards a ‘rough cut’. We are very happy with the result of EUR 16.556. Many thanks to all our sponsors. All sponsors above EUR 100 will be mentioned in the credits of the documentary.
On our website we updated the page with all the information about Lotus Sports Club. A great trailer can be seen there: Lotus Sports Club
In the beginning 2020, a team of three (in Rome) will start the editing of the documentary, based on the tens of hours of footage that was shot over the last years. Co-producer Tomasso Colognese will lead this process. We continue to look for funds for the needed budget to bring the ‘rough cut’ to the ‘final/fine cut’.
Screening afternoon in the OBA in cooperation with IHLIA
In 2019 we skipped a presentation afternoon. We only organise it when we have sufficient new footage to show, which we expect in 2020.
LGBTI Documentary Event in the garden of the Dutch embassy in Bangkok
In January 2019, we organised – in close cooperation with the Dutch embassy in Bangkok and OUTBKK – the second LGBTI documentary event in the garden of the Dutch embassy. In this beautiful setting, 200 visitors viewed a highly appreciated program, including DOHN productions and our moderation. Based on a lively Q&A with filmmakers and invited speakers and the feedback we received, we concluded it was a big success.
Gardens of the Dutch embassy in Bangkok, January 2019
LGBTI Documentary Event in Java Creative Café in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
In December 2019 we organised this event for the first time in Phnom Penh, in the relative small but cosy venue Java Creative Café. Over two evenings we welcomed 80 visitors, who were very enthousiastic about the program and this first LGBTI Documentary Event in Phnom Penh. The Event was realised with the support of the Dutch Embassy and in cooperation with RoCK, the leading LGBTI organisation in Phnom Penh.
Java Creative Café in Phnom Penh, December 2019
Due to family circumstances, Robert Witlox was not able to do the moderation, and Paul Overdijk was so friendly to take it over in a great way!
The planned LGBTI Documentary Event in Laos had to be cancelled, since the Luang Prabang Film Festival did not get clearence by the Loatian gouvernment to be organised in 2019.
Communication: website, Facebook and newsletter
Over the course of 2019, we posted the two LGBTI Documentary Events (see above) and a new webpage about Lotus Sports Club on our website.
We added about 26 Facebook posts over the course of 2019, quite a few about the Kickstarter Crowdfunding for Lotus Sports Club. We have now 330 followers.
The mailing list of our Newsletter had about 750 mail addresses by the end of 2019. This group of interested people received 8 newsletters. We send out a newsletter every time a new production is posted on our website or when we want to invite for one of our events. Private individuals can easily subscribe to or unsubscribe for the newsletter.
Friends and sponsors of Document Our History Now
Over the course of 2019, our sponsors included the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NZ Sauna, Zielhuis Uitvaart, as well as our private sponsors.
Our people
The Board of Directors in 2019 consisted of Riemer Knoop (chair), Hugo Bongers (treasurer) and Ben Hekkema (secretary).
In 2019, our coordinator Robert Witlox invested a substantial amount of time in supporting the organisation, its productions, the communication, the presentation event, but also in finding sponsors and expanding our network in Southeast Asia. For a small percentage of those hours he received compensation as a freelancer. In addition, he carried out the LGBTI Documentary Events (organisation and moderation), for which DOHN received project grants.
Finding new projects
In 2019, contacts were established with a variety of organisations, professionals and documentary makers in various countries. We did bring together documentary makers, photographers, ideas and funds, playing the role of project developer and producer.
Our revenue in 2019 consisted of sponsoring fees from private sponsors and companies (approx. EUR 19.500). Contributions from foundations and associations (the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs) was approx. EUR 16.500.
In compliance with the obligations in connection with our ANBI tax status, this 2019 Annual Report and our 2019 Financial Report are both be posted on our website.
Amsterdam, May 2020, The Board of Directors of Document Our History Now.