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Update Lotus Sports Club

The Kickstarter crowdfunding for Lotus Sports Club was successful. To all who contributed: many thanks again !! We have now a budget to start the post production phase and to produce a ‘rough cut’ of the documentary. We are still looking for extra funds to make it to a ‘final cut’. If you have any tips or contacts for us in this regards, please let us know. For more information and the inspiring trailer READ MORE

Document Our History Now network event on 9 June

Uitnodiging Document Our History Now netwerk evenement 9 juni Beste vriend van Document Our History Now, Dear friend of Document Our History Now (text in English below), Met veel genoegen uitnodigen we je uit voor het DOHN-netwerk evenement op zondag 9 juni tussen 14.00 en 17.00 uur op het adres Bilderdijkkade 50 E13 in Amsterdam. Tijdens het evenement stellen we je op de hoogte van de recente activiteiten van DOHN, met de nadruk READ MORE

Succesful Documentary Event in Bangkok Thailand

The LGBTIQ+ documentary night at the Dutch embassy in Bangkok was a great succes with over 200 guests. Document Our History Now organised and moderated this event in close cooperation with OutBKK and the Dutch embassy in their lush gardens on 7 February 2019. We programmed 4 documentaries and there were interesting introductions by the Dutch ambassador Kees Rade, Human Rights Commissioner Anghkana Neelapaijit, Film producer June Watsamon and LGBTIQ+ activist READ MORE

Annual and Financial report 2018 and Privacy policy

On our website you can now read our: Annual report 2018 Financial report 2018 Privacy policy READ MORE

Photography from Bangladesh

Gender Diversity We came in contact with Royal in 2017. In that year he had an exhibition in a gallery in Amsterdam. Because of personal reasons he could not come over for the vernissage and missed his first visit to Amsterdam. Royal is a nickname, since being an openly LGBTI activist or artist can be dangerous in Bangladesh. Royal was invited to show his work at the World Aids Conference in READ MORE

LGBTI Documentary Night at the Dutch Embassy in Bangkok, 25 January

Storytelling is at the root of improving the lives of LGBTI people. Change begins when LGBTI people are heard, when they leave a trail. Being part of cultural heritage begins with documenting your own culture. The Embassy of the Netherlands is hosting a one-evening festival of LGBTI documentary movies in the beautiful open-air setting of the Embassy Gardens. We are glad to invite you for this event on: Thursday evening READ MORE

Photography Series from Indonesia

Indonesia has a long history of paranoia against Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender people. The fear has driven many actions, one happened in February 2016, where an organization pressured the government to close a transgender Islamic school in Yogyakarta. Photographer Yoppy Pieter visited the students after Al-Falah was forcibly closed. On that occasion, they told him their stories, as a transgender and as a Muslim in a society that should provide READ MORE

Free premiere IRON LEGS: 17 june 2 pm in OBA Amsterdam

Iron Legs is a documentary about a LGBTQ+ women’s soccer team in Cambodia. You can sign up to attend this free premiere on 17 June simply by mailing the name(s) of those who will be attending to You receive further details by mail later. The premiere will be part of our presentation, in which we will tell about and show samples of other projects and developments. The event will READ MORE

Channel G, a short documentary from Myanmar

The use of mobile phones exploded after the opening of the mobile market in 2014. Access to mobile devices grew from 6% to 80% between 2013 and 2016. Channel G, the nick name for gay dating sites, was quickly discovered. A short documentary about the first experiences. Click here. READ MORE

Dear Mom, a short documentary from Myanmar

A well prepared message on video: ” Mom, I have something to tell you. I am in love and……” . Click here READ MORE