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Interview (in Dutch) with Robert Witlox in magazine Hello Gorgeous, March 2015

For article ‘Werken aan nalatenschap’ (in Dutch), click here. Robert Witlox (51) vertrok twee jaar geleden naar Zuid-Oost Azië om de homo-, lesbo- en transgendergemeenschappen (LHBT) daar te ondersteunen in het vastleggen van hun verhalen en geschiedenis. Eerder dit jaar was hij weer even in het land en hello gorgeous sprak met hem over zijn stichting Document Our History Now. READ MORE

DOHN’s 2014 Annual Report and 2014 Financial Report are now online

You can read about our achievements last year in our 2014 Annual Report (click here). The 2014 Financial Report (click here) gives you all our financial details. These reports are published in compliance with the criteria for our ANBI status. READ MORE

Now online: The full-length documentary Karma? by Vanna Hem (Cambodia)

The documentary film Karma? (click here) is about the lives of two lady-boy sex workers in Phnom Penh, Pao and Srey Leak, who face sexual violence and ignorance from the society they live in. Pao and Srey Leak become sisters, living together and taking care of each other after their families had kicked them out. An intense, observational documentary, Karma? depicts the hard life that HIV-positive transgender sex workers live READ MORE

Document Our History Now at the first LGBT film festival ‘&PROUD’ in Yangon, Myanmar

Our coordinator, Robert Witlox, visited the festival in November 2014. It was a great event: an interesting programme with contributions from the region, a high turnout, a positive atmosphere and quite some attention from the press. Congratulations to the brilliant organisers of this new event in Myanmar! The programme included two documentaries that we sponsored: Red over the Rainbow and A Butterfly Taboo. Both films received a warm welcome.   READ MORE

Now online: full-length documentary A Butterfly Taboo

While following the struggle of a Filipino LGBT political party campaigning for a seat in congress, the film’s director looks back at his own troubled youth, growing up gay. In a fusion of animation and documentary footage, the film introduces the poetic voice of the director as he deals with a personal dilemma: “Should I jump through the window? Or should I continue my personal battle to come out of READ MORE

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports our Rainbow Agenda Myanmar (RAM) project

We are very happy and proud that Document Our History Now has received a project subsidy from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangkok to carry out an LGBT human-rights project in Myanmar. The main goal of the project is to give the general public, press and political parties in Myanmar more insight into the social and legal situation of LGBT, and in that way to generate READ MORE

Now online: Full-length documentary Red over the Rainbow

Covering the two first “Viet Pride” celebrations, and following a number of different participants in those, the documentary shows milestones of the fast-growing LGBT community in Vietnam. With portraits of the different generations and different genders that are involved in building a strong and proud community, it gives the audience an idea of the conflicts and the stigma that LGBT there face, but also a sense of the types of READ MORE

Almost 70 people came to the presentation meeting September 28th

Almost 70 people came to meet us during the presentation LGBT sotrytelling from Southeast Asia on September 28 in the Public Library in Amsterdam. There were interviews with key players; photos, film trailers and a documentary was shown; new projects and ideas were presented. It was very pleasant to meet so many people on this Sunday afternoon. During the presentation the audience showed great interest and involvement by giving useful READ MORE

Presentation meeting September 28th

‘LGBT storytelling from Southeast Asia in the OBA’ Everyone is welcome to attend the official presentation of Document Our History Now in ‘Theater van ’t Woord’ in the main branch of the Amsterdam Public Library (OBA) from 3pm to 5pm on 28 September 2014. There will be interviews with key players; photos, film trailers and a documentary will be shown; new projects and ideas will be presented. The event will READ MORE

Donate EUR 100 and get a free copy of a novel

The first 25 people who donate a minimum of EUR 100 will receive a free copy of Marjolein Houweling’s novel Andermans ogen (in Dutch) (with many thanks to Marjolein). Click here to Donate. Please add your home address when you transfer by bank, or mail us your home address at READ MORE