In 2015, together with the Yangon Film School and Colors Rainbow, we produced Love and Other Matters (Directed by Su Su Hlaing). This highly appreciated and often screened documentary introduces seven very different LGBTI+ people living in Myanmar. It is a warm and humorous documentary about that most human aspect we all share: the desire to love and be loved and accepted.
The Yangon Film School has just celebrated its 15th anniversary. Over the years they have produced an impressive number of films: over 100! Congratulations, you are making a difference! Myanmar’s cinema has celebrated its 100th year and the National Library of Myanmar opened the doors of its new location in April 2020.
In their aim to promote filmmaking education and documentaries about Myanmar, Yangon Film School has donated its entire collection to the Audio-Visual section of the renewed National Library of Myanmar. We are very happy to have contributed to this important activity with our production of Love and Other Matters, which is now part of Myanmar’s national cultural heritage. This nicely made documentary shows a beautiful and diverse slice of LGBTI+ life in Myanmar in 2015 and will now be accessible to the public for generations to come.