LGBTIQ+ Movie Night Bangkok, February 2023
On the 16th of February 2023 we organised the LGBTI+ Movie Night at the gardens of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangkok. It was the 5th edition with 220 people present, a full house.
Introduction by Remco van Wijngaarden, Ambassador Kingdom on the Netherlands in Bangkok
Introduction by Robert Witlox, Coordinator Document Our History Now
Moderation by Paul Overdijk, Coordinator Pride ad Work Asia
Program movies before the break
Speed Limit (4 min) by Zino Bakker’s, the Netherlands
Bes (7 min) by Ayla Cekin Satijn, the Netherlands
Awake (5 min) by Rumi Kaul, the Netherlands
Food Dating (15 min) by GeorgeK, Myanmar
Program movies after the break
Lotus Sports Club (72 min) by Vanna Hem, Cambodia, Tommaso Colognese, Italy and Robert Witlox, the Netherlands
This 5th LGBTIQ+ Movie night was a collaboration between Document Our History Now, the Embassy of the Netherlands and Pride Ad Work Asia.